How Does CBD Help With Sleep
How Does CBD Help With Sleep

How Does CBD Help With Sleep ?

When it comes to CBD, It is unavoidable to mention its source -cannabis, which may still be forbidden by some country and many people still consider it as a drug. But in fact, there are many types of cannabis, for example sativa and indica. And cannabis itself has many components, the 2 most important of which are CBD and THC.

How Does CBD Help With Sleep

THC is the most potent psychoactive component of cannabis with the strongest effect on the central nervous system. CBD is not only beneficial, safe and harmless, but more interestingly, it can hinder the effects of THC on the human nervous system, thus earning it the title of "anti-drug compound". THC high is like a superintelligent terrier that cracks you up and inspires your poetry, while an CBD high is a lazy sheepdog that pins you to the sofa until you feed it enough Doritos, That is why THC is banned in many countries, and CBD is the big trend.

How Does CBD Help With Sleep

There are various names for cannabis, such as MARIJUANA which contains THC referring to cannabis with a drug-like nature, and CANNABIS as well, but it’s more considered as its scientific name. marijuana and cannabis are both THC-dominated. But There is also the name HEMP more readily available, but which contains no or very little THC (less than 0.03%), so hemp is perfectly legal in many countries.

CBD is similar to dopamine, both of which is a substance that can be synthesized by the person himself. However, Since modern human life has changed a lot from before, many people are in a state of sub-health. Therefore, the CBD produced by human bodies is very little, didn’t meet the needs of the human body. So the extraction of CBD from cannabis as a health product will bring very many benefits.

Studies have shown that CBD can primarily help with insomnia, anxiety, and pain caused by chronic disease and inflammation, while it has been shown to have a significant effect on childhood epilepsy, which is difficult to treat with orthodox. Many insomnia sufferers report a high and improved sleep after ingesting marijuana and believe it to be addictive, but in fact the insomnia is caused by anxiety, and CBD is not psychoactive and therefore not addictive. In fact, the pleasure comes from the fact that CBD relieves their stress and pain, improves their sleep and makes them feel better, which in turn makes them feel happier.

The World Health Organization has illustrated that no adverse health factors have been found in CBD, and that naturally occurring CBD, whether used in humans or animals, is safe and has no negative impact on public health. In a Brazilian study, 15 insomniacs were given 40 mg to 160 mg of CBD, a placebo or nitrazepam. After one month the results showed that the group taking CBD added more hours of sleep.

How Does CBD Help With Sleep

As research on medical cannabis get further, people's attitudes gradually change, more and more areas of medical cannabis are legalized, and the value of cannabinoids in the medical field continues to be demonstrated.

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