Exploring CannBro's Options in Oil Intake Size & Resistance
Exploring CannBro's Options in Oil Intake Size & Resistance

In the realm of cannabis vaporizers, every detail matters. From the size of the oil inlet hole to the precise calibration of the resistance value, each component plays a pivotal role in shaping the vaping experience. With CannBro's over a decade of expertise in the cannabis vaporization industry, we are always committed to development and innovation, which is why we have been committed to making vaping device that better matches your oil.

Here are the oil inlet hole sizes and the impact of resistance on product performance and user experience:

Exploring CannBro's Options in Oil Intake Size & Resistance 

1.Oil Intake Hole Size Oil Viscosity:

The size of oil intake in cannabis vaporizers plays a crucial role in ensuring optimal performance, particularly when considering the viscosity of the oil being used. Since there are so many different types of oils, including strains, extraction methods, formulations, etc.Your oil/extractions such as formulation (THC/D8/CBD dominant) will result in a completely different oil viscosity.

In that case, the most direct way is to determine the viscosity of the oil based on the flow velocity of the oil when the bottle is inverted, and then choose the oil inlet hole size that is more suitable for your oil. Larger facilitates the flow of thick oil (THC), ensuring a smooth and consistent vaporization process. Conversely, smaller sizes may be preferred for diluted oil (CBD).

At CannBro, our standards typically use a 1.8 mm diameter inlet for samples testing, which can also be adjusted to suit the characteristics of the oil. This size was chosen to strike a balance between accommodating oils of different viscosities while ensuring smooth and consistent vaporization.

Therefore, optimizing oil inlet size for different oil viscosities is paramount to enhancing product performance and user satisfaction. By fine-tuning inlet parameters, such as diameter,spacing, and orientation, manufacturers can achieve superior vaporization efficiency across a wide range of oil types, offering consumers a tailored vaping experience.

Exploring CannBro's Options in Oil Intake Size & Resistance         

2.Resistance Value→ Vaporization Performance:

Resistance value, measured in ohms (Ω), is a critical parameter in cannabis vaporizers that profoundly influences vaporization performance, including vapor volume, flavor, and inhalation experience. Resistance is directly related to the heating element's temperature, which, in turn, determines the rate of oil vaporization.

According to Ohm's Law (P = U²/R), where P represents power, U represents voltage, and R represents resistance, we can see that, at constant current, resistance is inversely proportional to power. Therefore, resistance value directly impacts the device's power output, subsequently influencing vapor volume and flavor intensity.

Our vaporizers commonly feature a resistance value of 1.4Ω. It's essential to understand that resistance value plays a crucial role in determining the vaporization performance of the device.

Exploring CannBro's Options in Oil Intake Size & Resistance

3. Common Scenarios & Corresponding Solutions for Vaporization Use:

● Desire for Increased Vapor Production / Insufficient Vapor Volume:

Increase Power Output: Opt for Lower Resistance Values (e.g., 1.2Ω).

Enlarge Oil Intake Holes: Enhance Oil Capacity

● Noticeable Slight Burnt Taste:

Decrease Power Output: Select Higher Resistance Values (e.g., 1.6Ω).

Address Potential Insufficient Oil Intake due to Small Oil Inlets, Preventing Burnt Flavor.

CannBro aims at providing a "tailor" vaporization solutions for all of our clients. We are here to work together with you to make all amazing things happen.

Feel free to contact through Nellie.Yang@cannbro.com

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